Kamensek, T., Iarocci, G., Oruc, I. (2024). Atypical daily visual exposure to faces in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Current Biology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.07.094
Delavari, P., Ozturan, G., Yilmaz, O, Oruc, I. (2023). Artificial intelligence, explainability, and the scientific method: A proof-of-concept study on novel retinal biomarker discovery. PNAS Nexus, pgad290.
Berk, A., Ozturan, G., Delavari, P., Maberley, D., Yilmaz, O., Oruc, I. (2023). Learning from small data: Classifying sex from retinal images via deep learning. PLOS One 18(8), e0289211.
Kamensek, T. Susilo, T., Iarocci, G., Oruc, I. (2023). Are people with autism prosopagnosic? Autism Research (accepted).
Kazemian, A., Oruc, I. Barton, J. (2022). A deep learning approach to studying the eye movements of prosopagnosic subjects. (submitted)
Mousavi, M., Oruc, I. (2020). Size effects in the recognition of blurry faces. Perception, 49(2): 222-231.
Mousavi, M., Oruc, I. (2020). Tuning of face expertise with a racially heterogeneous face-diet. Visual Cognition, DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2020.1836696
Oruc, I., Shafai, F., Murthy, S., Lages, P. & Ton, T. (2019). The adult face-diet: A naturalistic observation study. Vision Research, 157: 222-229
Oruc, I., Balas, B., Landy, M.S. (2019). Face perception: A brief journey through recent discoveries and current directions. Vision Research, 157: 1-9
Oruc, I., Shafai, F., Iarocci, G. (2018). Link between facial identity and expression abilities suggestive of origins of face impairments in autism: support for the social motivation hypothesis. Psychological Science, 29(11): 1859-1867.
Shafai, F., Oruc, I. (2018). Qualitatively similar processing for own- and other-race faces: Evidence from efficiency and equivalent input noise. Vision Research, 143: 58-65.
Albanico, A., Furubacke, A., Barton, J., Oruc, I. (2018). Perceptual efficiency and the inversion effect for faces, words and houses. Vision Research, 153: 91-97.
Shafai, F., Armstrong, K., Iarocci, G., Oruc, I. (2015). Visual orientation processing in autism spectrum disorder: no sign of enhanced early cortical function. Journal of Vision, 15(15):18, 1–15.
Alonso-Prieto, E., Pancaroglu, R., Dalrymple, K. A., Barton, J., Oruc, I. (2015). Temporal dynamics of the face familiarity effect: Bootstrap analysis of single-subject ERP data. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32(5), 266-282.
Alonso-Prieto, E., Oruc, I., Rubino, C., Handy, T., Barton, J. (2015). Interactions between the perception of age and ethnicity in faces: an event-related potential study. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32(6), 368-384.
Yang, N., Shafai, F., Oruc I. (2014). Size determines whether specialized expert processes are engaged for recognition of faces. Journal of Vision, 14(8):17, 1–12.
Shahangian, K., Oruc, I. (2014). Looking at a blurry old family photo? Zoom out! Perception, 43, 90-98.
Dalrymple, K. A., Davies-Thompson, J., Oruc, I., Handy, T., Barton J.J.S., Duchaine, B. (2014). Spontaneous perceptual facial distortions correlate with ventral occipitotemporal activity. Neuropsychologia, 59, 179-191.
Lai, J., Pancaroglu, R., Oruc, I, Barton, J., Davies-Thompson, J. (2014). Neuro-anatomic correlates of the feature-salience hierarchy in face processing: An fMRI-adaptation study. Neuropsychologia, 53C: 274-83.
Lai, M., Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2013). The role of skin texture and facial shape in representations of age and identity. Cortex, 48 (1), 252-265.
Pichler, P., Dosani, M, Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2012). The nature of upright and inverted face representations: an adaptation-transfer study of configuration. Cortex, (48) 6, 725-736.
Lai, M., Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2012). Facial age after-effects show partial identity invariance and transfer from hands to faces. Cortex, 48 (4), 477-486.
Oruc, I., Krigolson, O., Dalrymple, K., Nagamatsu, L., Handy, T., Barton, J.J.S. (2011). Bootstrap analysis of the single subject with event related potentials. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 28 (5), 322-337.
Dalrymple, K., Oruc, I., Duchaine, B., Pancaroglu, R., Fox C., Iaria, G., Handy, T., Barton, J.J.S. (2011). The neuroanatomic basis of the face-selective N170 in acquired prosopagnosia: A combined ERP/fMRI study. Neuropsychologia 49: 2553-2563.
Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2011). Adaptation improves discrimination of face identity. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 278, 1718: 2591-2597.
Oruc, I., Guo, X.M., Barton, J.J.S. (2011). Gender in Facial Representations: A Contrast-Based Study of Adaptation within and between the Sexes. PLoS ONE, 6(1): e16251.
Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2010). Critical frequencies in the perception of letters, faces, and novel shapes: evidence for limited scale-invariance for faces. Journal of Vision, 10 (12):20, 1-12.
Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2010). A novel face aftereffect based on recognition contrast thresholds. Vision Research, 50: 1845-1854.
Rostamirad, S., Barton, J.J.S., Oruc, I. (2009) Center-surround organization of face-space: Evidence from contrast-based face-priming. NeuroReport, 20(13): 1177-1182.
Oruc, I., Landy, M. S. (2009) Scale dependence and channel switching in letter identification. Journal of Vision, 9(9):4, 1-19.
Guo, X.M., Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2009) Cross-orientation transfer of adaptation for facial identity is asymmetric: a study using contrast-based recognition thresholds. Vision Research, 49, 2254-2260.
Fox, C.J., Oruc, I., Barton, J.J.S. (2008). It doesn’t matter how you feel. The facial identity aftereffect is invariant to changes in facial expression. Journal of Vision, 8(3):11, 1-13.
Butler, A., Oruc, I., Fox, C.J., Barton, J.J.S. (2008). Factors contributing to the adaptation aftereffects of facial expression. Brain Research, 1191, 116-126.
Oruc, I., Sinnett, S., Bischof, W. F., Soto-Faraco, S., Lock, K., Kingstone, A. (2008). The effect of attention on the illusory capture of motion in bimodal stimuli. Brain Research, 1242, 200-208.
Oruc, I., Landy, M. S., Pelli, D. G. (2006). Noise masking reveals channels for second-order letters. Vision Research, 46, 1493-1506.
Duke, P. A., Oruc, I., Qi, H., Backus, B. T. (2006). Depth aftereffects mediated by vertical disparities: Evidence for vertical disparity driven calibration of extraretinal signals in stereopsis. Vision Research, 46, 228-241.
Backus, B. T., Oruc, I. (2005). Illusory motion from change over time in the response to contrast and luminance. Journal of Vision, 5(11), 1055-1069.
Oruc, I., Maloney, L. T., Landy, M. S. (2003). Weighted linear cue combination with possibly correlated error. Vision Research, 43, 2451-2468.
Landy, M. S., Oruc, I. (2002). Properties of second-order spatial frequency channels. Vision Research, 42, 2311-2329.